How To Use a Posture Corrector

The following information will direct you on how to use your posture corrector. Please read this section completely as it contains information that will ensure its proper use.

**Attention** – The Str8back Posture Corrector straps should not be pulled or worn too tightly. If pulled or worn too tightly the straps might adversely affect your circulation and your nerves. You should never experience numbness, tingling, swelling, or any other abnormal sensations in your arms, hands, or fingers when wearing the posture corrector. If you experience these or any other abnormal symptoms or feelings in your arms, hands and fingers, you should remove the posture corrector so as not to cause any problems with your circulation or your nerves. 

**Important** – The Str8back Posture Corrector is not a brace and should not be thought of as a device that tightly forces or immobilizes your body into a certain position. The posture corrector should be thought of as an instructional aid which assists in helping you maintain correct body posture. The straps should be worn comfortably around the shoulders so that when you are in the correct posture there is no significant pressure or tightness on the arms or shoulders. If you do slouch and the head and shoulders drop forward and out of correct alignment, you should feel a firm pressure on the front of the shoulders. This pressure reminds you to reposition your shoulders to restore correct body posture and this should reduce the pressure on your arms and shoulders.

How To Use the Str8back Posture Corrector

1. Place the ends of each strap through the black plastic ring on the back side of the posture corrector. Be sure there are no twists in the straps.

2. Before putting on the posture corrector, pull the end of each strap through the ring and attach the velcro portion to the end of the cushioned shoulder strap. This initially creates maximum width for each strap of the corrector.

3. Place one arm through each strap of the posture corrector so that the back of the posture corrector is positioned between your shoulder blades. It should be worn similar to how you would wear a backpack.

4. Release the velcro portion of each strap and while working to maintain good sitting or standing posture, gently tighten the straps until you feel a comfortable, gentle pressure on the front of each shoulder. Then secure the velcro straps while maintaining your posture.

5. Start by wearing the Str8back Posture Corrector for approximately 15-20 minutes for the first 3-4 days. Then increase the time to approximately 30 minutes a day for the next 2-3 months. This is based on clinical studies which have shown that the average time it takes for a new habit to stick is 66 days.

6. After completing 2-3 months of daily use you should then be able to discontinue the use of the posture corrector and your training should result in new muscle memory that maintains better posture throughout the day.

7. To remove the posture corrector just release the velcro straps and let the posture corrector slip off your shoulders.

**Additional Comments** – The purpose of the Str8back Posture Corrector is to assist in the retraining of your neuromuscular system. This is sometimes referred to as “muscle memory”. The posture corrector is not meant to be worn for extended periods of time during the day and is not intended to be used indefinitely. This is a training aid to be worn for short daily training sessions until you have retrained your posture “muscle memory”. Once you have established this new and healthy habit, you should no longer need the posture corrector. While the average time it takes to form a new habit is 66 days, individual times may vary somewhat. It’s important to be patient with the process and remember that forming habits doesn’t come easy. But if you stay consistent, this should result in a much improved posture and a reduction in your back pain.